Trustee Elections

Elections to the Board of Trustees 2024

Welcome to the online nomination site where you can put your name forward to be an Elected Member of the Winchester Distict Board of Trustees.

The Trustee Role Description and Person Specification can be found here, which will tell you more about what the role of a Trustee involves.

We would like to draw all Council Members' attention to the Trustee Election Guidelines. We ask that all members read and comply with this document.

Please note: all nominations must be supported by a proposer and seconder; the criteria can be found here.

The closing date for receipt of nominations is midday on Monday 3 June.

This year the Board of Trustees are agreed that safety should be our primary focus for nominations. For more information regarding the level of knowledge, skills and experience we are looking for click here. When you write your supporting statement, please reflect carefully against how you meet this criteria. Safety is the priority in the elections this year, however we would also welcome nominations from those who have proven expertise in the areas of Digital; Human Resources; and Charity Fundraising and Marketing.

What we do as Trustees really counts.

The role of the Board is to make sure we’re strong enough as a movement to inspire a generation of young people to step up, dream big and gain skills for life.

As a trustee, you would make a huge contribution to Scouting in Winchester. Now more than ever, our young people need skills for life to prepare them for the future. But for that to happen we need great foundations in place to keep Scouts safe, to ensure we are financially robust, and to deliver fantastic support for our 500+ volunteers in Winchester.

We need your experience and wisdom to help us make sure we’re well governed and managed. We also develop our own skills as trustees, learning from each other.

Now is a pivotal moment for Scouts. We have just announced an ambitious programme to make sure we are providing the safest possible environment for our young people. We’re approaching the end of our Skills For Life strategy and need to decide our next set of priorities. We’ve delivered a huge amount over the last six years, from the launch of Squirrels for 4 and 5 year olds to bringing Scouts to even more areas of deprivation.

While this is sometimes challenging, we’re not afraid to put in the extra effort needed to open up opportunities for all. For us, diversity is key - diversity of thought and backgrounds to help us bring Scouts to new communities in innovative ways.

With this in mind, we would particularly welcome applications from candidates from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds and disabled candidates, as these groups are under-represented on our Board.

Every one of the present trustees is guided by our Scout values of integrity, respect, care belief and cooperation. If these values resonate with you too, then there could be a place on the team. We look forward to your application.


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Winchester District Scouts


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